The standard collating sequence for the ICT and ICL 19-hundred processor series English character set is now not available on this page.
New introduction 26/3/2018 is here.
This describe and any specification, code software program copy storing and use of this method is supervise and confidential. The method revitalises traditional access to data in array and optional is use selecting criteria, process identical content and to include wait/proceed in access processing.
Given array (or ary) name is a and has content in any sequence, and inputcontent (or inpcont) c as the lookup data, then traverse using this method.
Create ary as 2 dimension or matrix
[Text block 1 is retain]
Set variable m to current value of m plus 1
More program code
Do an individual traverse
(Option here or in trav1 is using a Pause and continue facility when access to a large array)
[Text block 2 is retain]
Set i to current value of i plus 1
Compare inpcont c not equal celcont at ary a indexed by j,i ,if true jump to trav2
(Option for compare is code for 1 or more of other operator, selecting criteria, range check)
Compare j equal n then compare i equal m, if both true jump to finish
Process celcont at ary a indexed by j,i
(Check more celposn in ary a for identical celcont, if true jump to trav2)
Jump to finish
[Text block 3 is retain and all block access is in Retrieve near middle of page]
More program code
The mathematical symbol and character named as first 2 letters of the word pin and relating to circle radius diameter and perimeter has been given as 3 and 1/7 or 22/7 and all of us are aware these fraction values are not accurate enough to meet the demands of the world. Engineers astronomers scientists and mathematicians often use accurate values starting with 3,141 and more decimal places help to achieve better results.
In everyday use at home and in education some vocations trades and disciplines the value can be given as 355/113 or 3 and 16/113 which is 3 multiply by 113 and the other 16 parts which represent decimal fraction 0,141592 approximately. Using the 355/113 fraction notation replaces the symbol or character and its decimal value in a calculation to not show them directly and this notation could be a term used in a later multiplication. It is acceptable to show the fraction in an appropriate position near or at the left end of a calculation term series and is followed by a symbol for the relevant product or multiplication mathematical operation.
Alternative to the multiplication is dividing by 113/355 fraction notation as a term which is similar to using the decimal fraction 0,31830986 and when lower accuracy is acceptable it is possible to use decimal fraction 0,31831 or 0,3183099 values. For formal use and evaluation purposes the fraction is 0,318309859154 to 12 decimal places and the digits 929577 follow in the series. Use of this fraction is relating to a line that is or can be straight and not a curve.
It is acceptable to show this fraction in an appropriate position near or at the right end of a calculation term series and is preceded by a symbol for the division mathematical operation and can be over or followed by a symbol for any mathematical operation.
Retrieve all text block in Settings page of ourman subsite available in domain.
Send comment or ask for info by email to T Cutler at the address.
There are a number of computer file input systems in use around the world and they can have different methods for indicating an end of file situation to computer programs and software. This can lead to inconsistent results when accessing a file in a program and reading in the last records present in the file. Sometimes the last data record could be a trailer or endfile record written to file by an application program but often it is an ordinary data record.
A popular implementation is when the file I/O system indicates the end of the file has been detected by notifying a program at the same time as the last record is read in from the file into the program. This means the appropriate processing of the last record applies in the program before the procedures for the end of file situation.
Another implementation is when the file I/O system indicates the end of file has been detected by notifying a program after the last record is read in from the file into the program and then only after the program attempts the next read from the file. This means the procedures for the end of file situation could apply immediately in the program because the appropriate processing of the last record is often already complete.
Note about input caches
When an I/O system uses facilities similar to double buffering or two input caches to improve transfer performance it is useful to be aware that emptying a buffer should be synchronising with the other buffer to complete successfully the presenting of all the data records in it to a program and maintaining the order of the records as they are supplied from a file or input source.
Notice of new development
There is copy available at no cost of 1 or 2 algorithm description to allow preserve then averaging a fraction part before rounding of amount to pound or euro a penny or cent then next process and can include residues in subtotal. Optional 1 or 2 modifier or adjust can apply to a subtotal.
There is copy available of method description to allow numeric amount to occur or be represent in 2 part to help release capacity up to 3 digit more for storing subtotals. These and higher values can be output or store as long numeric amount character string.
Send request by message to address or use feedback form on contact page at this site and allow 5 to 7 day to receive by email fax or post a 1 page informal describe and other detail.