Reports and lists from computer systems are part of the routine for many workers of different grades and often includes people external to administration and clerical workers in offices. There are 3 types of print layout generally available.
A. Simple list of data records with a list heading line often on the first page only and a column heading line below. The data values lines follow and they can be arranged in ascending order of values in a principal data field and all sheets could be numbered. Column headings can be repeated at the top of the sheets. Often a vertical space from the last data values line printed on a sheet of paper to the start of printing the next is not present.
B. Report of data records with heading lines and column heading lines below. The data values lines follow and they can be arranged in ascending or descending order of values in 1 2 or 3 data fields and all sheets could be numbered. The first heading line can be repeated and other heading lines and column headings are repeated at the top of the sheets. There can be subtotals on the last data values line or following line on the last sheet printed for each value of data arranging field 2 and 3 when in use. Often a vertical space from the last data values line or a subtotals line printed on a sheet of paper to the start of printing the next is present.
C. Grouping list of data records using values in a principal field with a heading line and a principal data field value line below in ascending order and then column heading lines below. The data values lines follow and they can be arranged in ascending or descending order of values in 1 or 2 other data fields and all sheets are numbered. The heading line can be repeated and the principal data field value line and column headings are repeated at the top of the sheets. There can be subtotals on the last data values line or following line on the last sheet printed for each value in the principal data field. Often a vertical space from the last data values line or a subtotals line printed on a sheet of paper to the start of printing the next is present.
New version 22 September 2015 is here.
The description below is a logical arrangement of detail sections for producing a simple list of data records by using a computer. The content in all text and data values using allowed languages is to read left to right and is viewed left to right or right to left in print lines, in the second case text Aprc R-L Ctnt L-R or equivalent can be in or after the list heading line. The sections do not refer to data values arranged in order or to subtotals. Procedures for restarting a print run are not described here.
Initialise working data fields with zero values and include a limit of pages to print appropriate to the quality of printer to print the list and 61 could be the limit of print lines on a sheet of the printer paper. Get the date of print from system date. Use a line counter and initialise a page counter and a limit indicator to value zero.
Input pages section
Display message NUMBER OF PAGES TO PRINT for input of a value for a program run or read a card file or similar into the program. When number of pages input is a zero value or exceeds limit of pages to print value display message NUMBER OF PAGES IS NOT TO EXCEED then display on same line the limit of pages to print value and continue at input pages section.
Open the output file then make print media available. Move text and any necessary working data field values to fields in list heading print line and print list heading line to include date of print if not printing it in the column heading line. Open the input file.
Note the text after this note from the words 'Increment by' to 'heading line.' is the same as some text in the 'Print heading' section later in this description.
Increment by 1 the page counter value. As necessary move text and any working data field values to fields in the column heading print line and if allowed include date of print then LSTP or similar and 1 to 3 digits from the page counter value. Print the column heading line.
Initialise the line counter to value zero.
Read file
Read a record from input file and when end of file condition is true continue at end list.
When allowed and relevant select the records to print from a file by using record type or indicator and could be 1 other field are the same values as one or more specified and possibly 1 date or other data field is the same value as one or more specified and when the record type or data values are not as specified continue at read file.
When the limit indicator is value 1 continue at print heading.
Print data
Increment by 1 the line counter value. Move data fields from input record and any necessary working data field values to fields in data values print line. Print data values line with hyphen a star or a dash next to a value if it is below zero. When line counter value is below limit of print lines value continue at read record.
Move value 1 to the limit indicator. When page counter value is same as the number of pages value continue at page limit.
Read record
Continue at read file.
Page limit
Print message PAGE PRINT LIMIT SELECTED and on same line the number of pages to print value.
End list
When page counter value is 1 and line counter is value zero print message NO RECORDS TO PRINT FROM FILE. Close the input file. Print message END OF LIST or similar. Close other files release print media as necessary then end program.
Print heading
Move value zero to the limit indicator. Advance the print media to a new sheet by using a form feed paper advance or new page option. If that is not available print vertical tab line advance or similar printing control codes or print 2 to 7 spacing lines each having 1 to 4 of a permitted character possibly indented on the line and could be a comma space hashmark fullstop querymark slash or colon.
Increment by 1 the page counter value. As necessary move text and any working data field values to fields in the column heading print line and if allowed include date of print then LSTP or similar and 1 to 3 digits from the page counter value. Print the column heading line.
Move value zero to the line counter. Continue at print data.
The paper should be ready in the printer and aligned for printing to start at the top of the sheet. When a list heading line is printed on the first page and using spacing lines to move paper to the next page it is necessary to omit a spacing line on the first page. Alternatively to have 1 data line less on that page, in the line preceding Read file section in the description above alter words 'value zero' to 'value 1' and in the End list section alter words 'is value zero' to 'value is 1'.
Special Allow- Reduce cost and run time, print column heading line on first page only.
In Print heading section in the description above, after words 'page counter value.' insert words 'Continue at after heading.' and after words 'heading line.' insert on a new line words 'After heading'.
On page after first page, when prefer to print 1 data line more then in program increase by 1 the limit of print lines value, when not prefer then when using spacing lines to move paper to a new page in program use 1 spacing line more.
Where the facility is allowed a special option is an accumulate of values in a numeric data field for all the data lines on a page can be printed on or after the last data line of a page and the necessary details can be provided on request and be included in the description.
There can be program run costs and local charges for using the program which are higher with page numbering and a program run should print less than 1000 pages.